Directly copied from the Github repository.


3.2.6 & 3.2.7 (December 14, 2015)

Fix Checkbox sent values.

3.2.5 (December 14, 2015)

Fix file_get_contents access bug.

3.2.4 (December 13, 2015)

Fix parse error from STATICS on class definition.

3.2.3 (December 10, 2015)

Enhance Upload field with labels customization.

3.2.2 (December 10, 2015)

Fix global headings CSS.

3.2.1 (December 10, 2015)

Fix Section CSS.

3.2.0 (December 10, 2015)

Fix hooks on post types list page.
Fix some CSS displays.

3.1.0 (November 09, 2015)

Use Behat Transliterator script in vendor.

3.0.0 (November 09, 2015)


  • New
    • first of all, add new TWIG engine as a template engine
  • Enhance:
    • update all fields design
  • Delete:
    • remove Review and Gallery fields


2.3.9 (November 6, 2015)

Make Hidden and Includes fields usable in a post page.

2.3.8 (July 17, 2015)

Get back menu on admin bar, add assets version number, get WordPress 4.3 compatibility.

2.3.7 (July 17, 2015)

Fix bug on Link field.

2.3.6 (July 17, 2015)

Assets are now accessibles even if no pages are defined.

2.3.5 (July 08, 2015)

Make Link field expandable.

2.3.4 (June 26, 2015)

Fix enqueue media action.

2.3.3 (June 26, 2015)

Add lots of backend optimization.

  • Fix

    • override the wp_enqueue_media function from WordPress by a new wp_enqueue_media_tto function
    • remove all flush_rewrite_rules functions
  • New

    • add a new footer link for flush rewrite rules once

2.3.2 (June 24, 2015)

Backend design updated.

2.3.1 (June 24, 2015)

New tag with an updated composer.json

2.3.0 (June 24, 2015)

Add some htmlentites in text inputs.
Fix some design bugs from the new WP version.


2.2.0 (April 01, 2015)

Update the gallery field with some new functions.
Naaaa, that was a joke! I did nothing in fact.


2.1.0 (February 25, 2015)

There's a new field in town

  • New:
    • add new toggle field with only 1 or 0 values stored in DB


2.0.3 (February 24, 2015)

Fix bug on CTPs check.

2.0.2 (February 24, 2015)

Merge code_climate branch into master, fix Link field bug.

2.0.1 (February 22, 2015)

Fix small bug with _get_option and _set_option

2.0.0 (February 22, 2015)

Add a lots of features and fix lots of bugs.
We follow now the semver guidelines, that's why we made the 2.0.0 ;)

  • Fix:
    • now saving a CPT will only save its custom fields
    • now saving a CT will only save its custom fields
    • all std attributes are now named default
    • all checkall buttons have now their own ID
  • Enhance:
    • data are now saved in DB without autoload
    • the main file integrates now _get_option and _set_option methods
    • update the background fiend with new display
    • update the social field with expandable attribute


1.5.2-19 (February 20, 2015)

Fix menu icon call

1.5.2-18 (February 19, 2015)

Fix small bug on svg call again

1.5.2-17 (February 19, 2015)

Fix small bug on svg call

1.5.2-16 (February 12, 2015)

Add your own social networks ;)

  • Enhance:
    • the social field supports now your custom social networks

1.5.2-15 (February 09, 2015)

Welcome Leaflet ;)

  • New:
    • add Leaflet package from Bower
    • update the maps field with real-time preview

1.5.2-14 (February 07, 2015)

Fix some bugs.

1.5.2-13 (February 06, 2015)

CodeClimate and Gratipay integration in the

1.5.2-12 (February 06, 2015)

Update the .gitignore file with bower generated files (no need in the package)

1.5.2-11 (February 06, 2015)

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to BOWER :)

  • New:
    • all dependencies are imported with bower.json
    • command lines to install Grunt and Bower in
  • Enhance:
    • the section field get now svg and identifier attributes
    • svg files are themed
  • Delete:
    • remove all JS packages from the Assets folder

1.5.2-10 (February 05, 2015)

Update composer.json

1.5.2-9 (February 05, 2015)

Add Selectize.js theme colors

1.5.2-8 (February 04, 2015)

Add notifications option in instanciation

1.5.2-7 (February 02, 2015)


  • New:
    • add multiselect JS actions on wordpress and multiselect fields

1.5.2-6 (December 01, 2014)

Fix bugs in upload field

1.5.2-5 (November 24, 2014)

1.5.2-4 (November 24, 2014)

Fix bugs in maps field with marker

1.5.2-3 (November 24, 2014)

Fix color fields default value, update custom permalinks with new indications and updated-message block

1.5.2-2 (November 20, 2014)

Remove HTML5 Sortable jQuery component already installe din WP core

1.5.2-1 (November 20, 2014)

Fix lots of bugs and add update CPTs from footer

  • New:
    • add new taxonomies mode on wordpress field
    • add new update CPT from footer
  • Fix:
    • fix bugs on Taxonomies

1.5.2 (November 20, 2014)

Lots of new features with some bug fixed

  • New:
    • some fields are now draggable thanks to the HTML5 Sortable jQuery component
    • hidden field is now displayed in the interface (very usefull!)
  • enhance:
    • documentation is now on
    • remove title from hidden field
  • Fix:
    • fix bugs on checkbox field
    • fix bugs on gallery field
    • fix bugs on multiselect field
    • fix bugs on radio field
    • fix bugs on select field
    • fix bugs on social field
    • fix bugs on upload field

1.5.1-8 (November 18, 2014)

Fix bug with PHP in code field.

1.5.1-6 ~ 1.5.1-7 (November 18, 2014)

New code field with CodeMirror component. You can now add easily snippets CPT if you need it :)

1.5.1-5 (November 15, 2014)

Please, welcome to the new 4th elements: new custom admin themes.

1.5.1-4 (November 14, 2014)

Fix bugs on upload and gallery fields.

1.5.1-2 ~ 1.5.1-3 (November 13, 2014)

Fix bugs on JS for widgets.

1.5.1-1 (November 13, 2014)

Update less compilation, add new messages display.
Theme are now lessables.

1.5.1 (November 12, 2014)

Fix bugs on gallery, on upload, on much more.
Improve package with LESS compilation.

1.5.0-4 (November 07, 2014)

Fix bugs on gallery finally! TinyMCE improvements

1.5.0-3 (November 07, 2014)

Fix bugs on upload... too bad...

1.5.0-2 (November 07, 2014)

Fix bugs on upload field for galleries

1.5.0-1 (November 07, 2014)

Fix bugs on upload field, add some CSS enhancements

1.5.0 (November 07, 2014)

Lots of new features with new core update version

  • New:
    • new date field with pickadate.js component
    • new link field
    • new TeaAdminMessage class
  • enhance:
    • all JS packages
    • JShint validation
  • Fix:
    • fix bugs on review field
    • fix bugs on gallery field

And so much more...

1.4.x (August 19, 2014)

Fix some CSS bugs (August 19, 2014)

Add responsive menu (August 18, 2014)

Add new process for create index and index contents in Elasticsearch (August 11, 2014)

Enhance Elasticsearch check while updating (August 10, 2014)

Enhance Elasticsearch check... again...
Fix small bug on Elasticsearch save paramters (August 10, 2014)

Enhance Elasticsearch check (August 10, 2014)

Add Elasticsearch check before check (August 9, 2014)

Add new login page (August 8, 2014)

Add two new administration theme colors (August 7, 2014)

Add global array configuration, fix some CSS bugs (August 7, 2014)

Change licence and headings. Delete the BR field (useless) (August 7, 2014)

Fix bug on taxonomies, add optimizations on Maps field, normalize GET actions

1.4.3 (August 6, 2014)

Add capabilities, admin notice, and so much more.

1.4.2 (August 4, 2014)

Update code to the new version

  • New:
    • new Custom Taxonomies

1.4.1 (August 1, 2014)

Update code to the new version

  • New:
    • new review field
    • new elasticsearch field
    • new folder structure
    • use of namespaces
    • use of composer
    • use of GruntJS

1.4.0 (April 9, 2014)

Update code to the new version

  • New:
    • new map field
    • new date field

1.3.x (October 11, 2013)

Fix small bug on upload field (October 11, 2013)

Get current dir dynamically

1.3.0 (October 11, 2013)



1.2.13 (August 8, 2013)

Change CRON calls to the constructor method

1.2.12 (July 31, 2013)

Fix small bug in Twitter template
Display update date on network templates
Adds descriptions on documentation page

1.2.12 (July 31, 2013)

Make all business code in one single function, add twitter connection and make new Wordpress CRON schedules to update DB

  • New:
    • new twitter field with API, connection and more
    • new Wordpress CRON schedules to update networks contents in DB and cache
  • Edit:
    • business code for networks is now in one single function: updateNetwork

1.2.11 (July 30, 2013)

Fix some bugs with Instagram recent medias and FlickR username

  • Fix:
    • fix Instagram recent medias bug
    • fix FlickR username bug

1.2.10 (July 30, 2013)

New flickr field with API

  • New:
    • new flickr field with API, connection and more

1.2.9 (July 29, 2013)

Edit header layout without form, new instagram field with API, new _del_option function

  • Edit:
    • add submit option in header layout: no form without button ;)
  • New:
    • new instagram field with API, connection and more
    • new _del_option function to delete option from DB and transient

1.2.8 (July 26, 2013)

Detele Date field and add new RTE field.

  • Edit:
    • delete date field 'cause it useless too...
    • optimize JS scripts
  • New:
    • new rte field to get all Wordpress powaaa :)

1.2.7 (July 26, 2013)

Update Background field and fix lots of bugs

  • Edit:
    • update background field to a better experience
    • delete image field 'cause it was... hum... useless
  • Fix:
    • Enqueue new media script to be compliant with Wordpress 3.5.2

1.2.6 (July 23, 2013)

Update Google font field and optimize script

  • Edit:
    • delete all switches to let if/else instead
    • update Google font field to display to 18 fonts
  • Fix:
    • Fix small bug on

1.2.5 (July 11, 2013)

New usefull field and fix bug

  • Fix:
    • fix multiselect forgotten field
  • New:
    • new include field to display everything you want

1.2.4 (July 11, 2013) up to date with default documentation page

  • Edit:

1.2.3 (May 27, 2013)

Get real advices from Xavier C. :)

  • Edit:
    • assets are now enabled in all Wordpress admin pages (a big news is coming ;))
    • back to checkbox/select/radio instead of choice (not userfriendly)
    • icons are now defined in the TeaTO and not settable anymore
    • no more "categories" special name anymore: you can set "category" for simple or multiple choices
    • public keys are now privates
  • Fix:
    • fix hidden field which does not need description or title attributes
  • New:
    • here comes the new default TeaTO Documentation page (appears even if you have no settings)
    • new features and list fields to display contents
    • new way to disable Wordpress scripts/styles on the TeaTO custom pages

1.2.2 (May 27, 2013)

Fix some bugs, adds new fields, adds new default documentation page, better media-views integration, new scripts, and more...
Details on the next commit

1.2.1 (May 14, 2013)

Fix some small bugs

  • Fix:
    • delete a forgotten enclosure
  • New:
    • add TeaTO version

1.2.0 (May 14, 2013)

Add some new fields and fix small bugs

  • Edit:
    • edit all TeaTO definition by setting only pages (no more subpages now)
    • edit category/menu/page/post/posttype/tag fields with some extra options in a WordpressContents function
  • Fix:
    • fix the empty color value
  • New:
    • add Background field with all needed options
    • add new page config to hide submit button
    • prepare default documentation page with no options


1.1.1 (May 03, 2013)

Add some new fields and fix small bugs

  • Edit:
    • edit social field to include label and link data
  • New:
    • add Wordpress admin bar links
    • add some Defaults values
    • add _set_option() function to the Tea TO package
    • add Paragraph field
    • add rows option to textarea field
    • prepare RTE and Date new fields

1.1.0 (April 25, 2013)

Add some new fields and fix small bugs

  • Edit:
    • edit br/ and hr/ fields
    • edit text field with some extra options instead of number/range/email/password/search/url fields
  • Fix:
    • fix font field
  • New:
    • add _get_option() function to the Tea TO package
    • add Choice field with some extra options instead of checkbox/radio/select/multiselect fields


1.0.3 (March 31, 2013)

Some improvments on checkbox fields and new social icons

  • New:
    • add an "Un/select all checkboxes" on image and social fields
    • add Bloglovin, Hellocoton and Youtube social icons

1.0.2 (March 31, 2013)

Add a small checkbox feature

  • New:
    • add an "Un/select all checkboxes" on checkbox field

1.0.1 (March 26, 2013)

List now all next todos and add some extra features

  • Fix:
    • fix title display on breadcrumb
    • fix JS media popin
  • New:
    • uses now the Wordpress Media Uploader
    • uses now the Wordpress Color field
    • add information in function comments
    • add admin warning messages
    • add Instagram social button

v1.0.0 (October 30, 2012)