Since v1.5.3
As you may know, I'm working hard to offer you lots of functionalities and improving all the Tea Theme Options features. So do not hesitate to pull-request me, or contact me by:
For now, there are three features I've made which are in WIP or in beta use that you can disable easily.
These features are:
- Elasticsearch API - Elasticsearch creates scaleable, real-time search for your website by indexing all your datas millions of times a day.
- Social networks - Simple to use, fully integrate your Tea Theme Options for Wordpress with your favorites social networks.
- Notifications alert - You can use the Tea T.O. only to create Custom Post Types. In that case, you don't really need notifications ;)
To do
- Make the Tea Theme Options compatible with the Polylang WordPress plugin.
- API creation.
- 3rd-party modules from API.
In progress
- Use of filters and actions on post types and terms.
- Use of (add|get|update)_term_meta new functions.
- ElasticSearch enhancements.
- Custom fields enabled.
- All other stuff I'm working on.
All stuff tested and pushed in the Github repository.
Updated less than a minute ago